
Student Governance Statements

This page is a summary for students of various policies and services listed in the 49ͼ Community College General Catalog. Revised January 2023 per Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Institutional Planning.

  • Academic Honesty. The college believes that the pursuit of knowledge requires honesty. Students are expected to act appropriately and deal honestly in all aspects of their interactions with the college and their academic work. The college will not tolerate dishonest acts such as copying the work of another; using unauthorized help, books, notes, or electronic devices on examinations or projects; or intentionally representing the work of another as one’s own without proper reference (plagiarism). The consequences of academic dishonesty may vary according to circumstances. Actions that could be taken include, but are not limited to, the following: a failing grade for the work involved, failure in the course, or removal from the course. For additional information, please read “Academic Honesty” in the General Catalog.
  • Accommodations for Students with Disabilities. The college strives to provide an equal educational opportunity to all in compliance with college policy and federal law.  In order for us to help you meet your educational goals and help you move toward success as a student at 49ͼ Community College, students requesting services must self-identify by contacting the Office of Disability Services in 120 Stone Hall or visiting the Disability Services web pages for more information.
  • Annual Security Report. To comply with federal laws the college provides information about serious crimes that have occurred on campus during the last three years. Copies of the Campus Crime Statistics Report and Annual Security Report may be obtained by contacting the main campus switchboard (910.692.6185) or the director of the Hoke Center (910.875.8589). The information can also be found on the college’s Safety & Security web pages.
  • Attendance. Because the College realizes that academic success is tied to regular attendance, students are expected to attend all class sessions, laboratories, and clinical experiences. A student who fails to attend two consecutive weeks worth of class is in violation of the college’s attendance policy. An instructor will drop a student if the student has failed to attend two consecutive weeks worth of class. Each course syllabus will describe the attendance requirements for the course, which may be stricter than above, including any permitted absences. Please consult the “Academic Policies and Procedures” section of the General Catalog.
  • Civility.  The College defines “civility” as respect for others, courtesy, civil exchange of ideas, and human interactions that create a positive environment in which to learn.  All members of the College community are expected to adhere to the Five Core Values, most notably Integrity and Respect. The College will set the tone for such practice using the following guidelines, and expects students to also follow these guidelines: Respect for the work and ideas of all persons; courteous oral, written, and nonverbal discourse (in personal and electronic forms); honest interactions and exchanges; fair and just treatment; open professional communications; recognition and respect for diversity; social responsibility: tolerance of differing points of view; zero tolerance for any forms of cyber stalking, cyber bullying, or cyber sexual harassment, especially as related to social networking while engaged in college-related activities or in courses online.
  • Classroom Conduct. Faculty and students at 49ͼ Community College — on the main campus or off-campus locations, including online — have the right to an instructional environment that is conducive to study, thought, and full concentration on study topics. Student behavior that threatens such an environment and disrupts learning and teaching activities — including unauthorized use of technology (e.g., cell phones, computers, hand-held devices) — will not be tolerated and will be subject to disciplinary actions, including removal from a course or program or denial of admission to a course or a program. For additional information, please read “Student Conduct” in the General Catalog.
  • Computer Use. The college expects and requires ethical and responsible behavior of individuals using information resources, which include computers and the college network and internet capabilities. Individuals using these resources must abide by the college’s Acceptable Use Policy, which requires respecting intellectual property rights, protecting private information, refraining from accessing inappropriate or offensive information, and ensuring open access to available resources.
  • eLearning Support. In order to accommodate the needs of eLearning students, 49ͼ Community College has implemented policies and procedures to protect student rights and to provide Academic Support services. These procedures are integrated into all Moodle courses. Boyd Library provides access and instruction in the effective use of its resources to distance learning students. Through the Boyd library web pages students can obtain more information about library resources and services. Students can access our on-line catalog for InterLibrary loan, NCLIVE and other databases.
  • Intellectual Property. The college provides an environment that supports the academic activities of the faculty, staff and students. The college’s intellectual property policy supports the College’s mission while it encourages and supports the intellectual property rights of the faculty, staff and students of the College.  This policy and its supporting procedures are located in the General Catalog.
  • 2020-2021 Annual Public Notice of Nondiscrimination. Admission to 49ͼ Community College is open to any individual who meets the institution’s open admissions policy. Applicants for admission or employment, students, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with 49ͼ are hereby notified that this institution is committed to nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, gender, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or parental status, religion, age, ancestry, mental or physical disability, military status or veteran status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in its programs and activities. Lack of English language skill is not a barrier to admission and participation in educational programs and activities. This includes, but is not limited to admissions, employment, financial assistance, placement, recruitment, and educational programs or activities as required by applicable laws and regulations.

Further, it is the policy of 49ͼ Community College to prohibit harassment (including sexual harassment and sexual violence) of students and employees. Any person having inquiries regarding special needs, support services, or 49ͼ Community College’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is directed to contact the individuals who have been designated to coordinate the educational institution’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing these laws. 

Title IX Coordinator Office
3395 Airport Road
Van Dusen, Room 122
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Email: bluek@sandhills.edu
Phone: (910) 695-3979 

Section 504 Coordinator

Shalishah Russell
3395 Airport Road
Stone Hall, Room 125
Pinehurst, NC 28374
Email: russells@sandhills.edu 
Phone: (910) 246-4138

Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 ADA complaints may also be filed with the Regional Office for Civil Rights. Address correspondence to: Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-1475, Telephone: 202-453-6020, FAX: 202-453-6021; TDD: 800-877-8339, Email: OCR.DC@ed.go

  • Student Grievance Procedure. The college assures 49ͼ students that their grievances will be considered fairly, rapidly, and in a non-threatening atmosphere. Any student who feels unfairly treated may follow the “Student Grievance Procedure”, described in detail in the General Catalog.
  • Support for Student Learning and Progress. Academic advising is available to all students in the Enrollment Management Department, which will assist in developing an educational plan consistent with life goals and objectives. Academic tutoring is available to all students on an individual or small group basis and online. Students are encouraged to apply early in the semester for free tutoring services. Boyd Library has a wealth of print and online resources. The Learning Resources Computer Lab in Boyd Library provides computer access as well as staff assistance with online research. Counselors are available to assist students in coping with any concerns or difficulties they may experience while attending college. Career counseling and job placement services are also readily available.